Urban Skateboarding: A Working Bibliography [Updated]

Okay, I know this is going to be a candidate for the most boring blog post ever. A bibliography? For real? As I try to get my head around Silver Spring’s skateboarding subculture.  I am trying to build a bibliography of skateboarding culture and landscapes and I am casting a wide net. If you know of sources, hit the comment button or send me an email.

Skateboarding Working Bibliography

Compiled by David Rotenstein
Revised 3 September 2010

Aratani, Lori. “Turning Camera on Her Cause; Md. Filmmaker Aims to Increase Awareness, Parks for Boarders.” The Washington Post, March 13, 2005, sec. C.

Atkinson, Michael. “Parkour, Anarcho-Environmentalism, and Poiesis.” Journal of Sport & Social Issues 33, no. 2 (May 1, 2009): 169 -194.

Beal, Becky. “Disqualifying the Official: An Exploration of Social Resistance Through the Subculture of Skateboarding.” Sociology of Sport Journal 12, no. 3 (1995): 252-267.

Binelli, Mark. “Eighty-eight acres of anarchy in the USA.” Rolling Stone, no. 1058 (2008): 43 – 51.

Borden, Iain. “Beneath the Pavement, the Beach: Skateboarding, Architecture and the Urban Dream.” In Strangely Familiar: Narratives of Architecture in the City, edited by Iain Borden, 82-86. London: Routledge, 1996.

———. “Body Architecture: Skateboarding and the Creation of Super-Architectural Space.” In Occupying Architecture: Between the Architect and the User, edited by Jonathan Hill, 195-215. London: Routledge, 1998.

———. “Speaking the City: Skateboarding Subculture and Recompositions of the Urban Realm.” In Constructions of urban space, edited by Ray. Hutchison, 5:135-154. Research in urban sociology. Stamford, Conn.: JAI Press, 2000.

———. Skateboarding, Space and the City: Architecture and the Body. Oxford [England]: Berg, 2001.

———. “Another Pavement, Another Beach: Skateboarding and the Performative Critique of Architecture.” In The Unknown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space: A Strangely Familiar Project, edited by Iain Borden, 178-199. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2001.

———. “A Performative Critique of the City: The Urban Practice of Skateboarding, 1958-98.” In The City Cultures Reader, edited by Malcolm Miles, Tim Hall, and Iain Borden, 291-297. 2nd ed. The Routledge urban reader series no. 3. London: Routledge, 2004.

Borden, Iain, Joe Kerr, Alicia Pivaro, and Jane Rendell, eds. Strangely Familiar: Narratives of Architecture in the City. London: Routledge, 1996.

Borden, Iain, Joe Kerr, Jane Rendell, and Alicia Pivaro, eds. The Unknown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space: A Strangely Familiar Project. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2001.

Bovaird, Tony. “Beyond Engagement and Participation: User and Community Coproduction of Public Services.” Public Administration Review 67, no. 5 (2007): 846–860.

Bradley, Graham L. “Skate Parks as a Context for Adolescent Development.” Journal of Adolescent Research 25, no. 2 (March 2010): 288-323.

Brayton, Sean. “”Black-Lash”: Revisiting the “White Negro” Through Skateboarding.” Sociology of Sport Journal 22, no. 3 (2005): 356.

Brooke, Michael. The Concrete Wave: The History of Skateboarding. Warwick Publishing, 1999.

Cadwallader, Robert. “Skateboarding enthusiasts want Arlington to put park on a fast track.” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, March 15, 2010. http://www.star-telegram.com/2010/03/14/2039391/skateboarding-enthusiasts-want.html.

Carr, J. “The political grind: The role of youth identities in the municipal politics of public space.” Dissertation, University of Washington, 2007. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1456284941&Fmt=7&clientId=45714&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

Elizabeth Coe. “Local skateboarder hopes to turn ‘no’ into ‘yes’ for proposed park.” The Gazette. Silver Spring, Md, March 16, 2005. http://www.gazette.net/gazette_archive/2005b/200511/silverspring/news/264932-1.html.

Freeman, Claire, and Tamara Riordan. “Locating Skateparks: The Planner’s Dilemma.” Planning Practice & Research 17, no. 3 (2002): 297-316.

Gorman, Peter. “Pool Sharks.” Fort Worth Weekly, September 16, 2009. http://www.fwweekly.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2037:pool-sharks&catid=30:cover-story&Itemid=375.

Guida, James. “On Wheels: The Art of Skateboarding” 68, no. 4 (2009). http://meanjin.com.au/editions/volume-68-number-4-2009/article/on-wheels-the-art-of-skateboarding/.

Harnik, Peter, Coleen Gentles, and Katherine Glover. “Coming to a City Near You: Skateparks!.” Parks & Recreation 44, no. 5 (May 2009): 34-38.

Higgins, Matt. “Skateboarding Glides Into a New Phase.” New York Times (2010): 15.

Howell, Ocean. “The “Creative Class” and the Gentrifying City.” Journal of Architectural Education 59, no. 2 (November 2005): 32-42.

———. “Skatepark as Neoliberal Playground : Urban Governance, Recreation Space, and the Cultivation of Personal Responsibility.” Space and Culture 11, no. 4 (2008): 475-496.

Irvine, Simon, and Sophie Taysom. “Skateboarding: Disrupting the City.” Social Alternatives 17, no. 4 (October 1998): 23-26.

Jarret, Joseph G. “Skating on Thin Concrete The Florida Legislature’s Response to Skateboarders and Skaters.” Florida Bar Journal 76, no. 10 (November 2002): 74.

Keller, Lisa. The Triumph of Order: Democracy & Public Space in New York and London. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.

Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space. Oxford, OX, UK: Blackwell, 1991.

Lorr, Michael. “Skating and the X-Gamer Phenomenon: A Case of Subcultural Cooptation.” Humanity and Society 29, no. 2 (2005): 140-147.

Low, Setha M. On the Plaza: The Politics of Public Space and Culture. 1st ed. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000.

Moore, Linda. “An ethnographic study of the skateboarding culture.” The Sport Journal, 2009.

Nelson, N. “The relationship between designed urban environments and skateboarding in downtown Fort Worth.” MLA Thesis, University of Texas at Arlington, 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1588777291&Fmt=7&clientId=45714&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

Németh, Jeremy. “Conflict, Exclusion, Relocation: Skateboarding and Public Space.” Journal of Urban Design 11, no. 3 (2006): 297 – 318.

Nolan, Nicholas. “The ins and outs of skateboarding and transgression in public space in Newcastle, Australia.” Australian Geographer 34, no. 3 (2003): 311 – 327.

Owens, Patsy Eubanks. “Recreation and Restrictions: Community Skateboard Parks in the United States.” Urban geography. 22, no. 8 (2001): 782.

Petrone, R. “Shreddin’ it up: Re-thinking “youth” through the logics of learning and literacy in a skateboarding community.” Dissertation, Michigan State University, 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1617273101&Fmt=7&clientId=45714&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

Pomerantz, Shauna, Dawn H. Currie, and Deirdre M. Kelly. “Sk8er girls: Skateboarders, girlhood and feminism in motion.” Women’s Studies International Forum 27, no. 5 (November 2004): 547-557.

Silver Spring Town, 2007. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jrIYDvOA1o&feature=youtube_gdata.

Finding Our Turf: Turf, 2007. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3ThdfOfKRU&feature=youtube_gdata.

Robert Strauss. “Drop That Skateboard. Uh, Nevermind.” The New York Times, November 30, 2003. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/30/nyregion/up-front-worth-noting-drop-that-skateboard-uh-nevermind.html?pagewanted=print.

Seifert, T., and C. Hedderson. “Intrinsic Motivation and Flow in Skateboarding: An Ethnographic Study.” Journal of Happiness Studies 11, no. 3 (2010): 277 – 292.

Shannon, Charlene S, and Tara L Werner. “The Opening of a Municipal Skate Park: Exploring the Influence on Youth Skateboarders’ Experiences.” Journal of Park & Recreation Administration 26, no. 3 (2008): 39 – 58.

Smith, Christopher. ““Whose Streets?”: Notes on Urban Social Movements, and the Politicization of Urban (Public?) Space.” In Proceedings of the Second Annual Canadian Association of Cultural Studies Conference, 2004. http://www.culturalstudies.ca/proceedings04/pdfs/smith.pdf.

Vivoni, Francisco. “Spots of Spatial Desire.” Journal of Sport & Social Issues 33, no. 2 (2009): 130 – 149.

Weller, Susie. “Skateboarding Alone? Making Social Capital Discourse Relevant to Teenagers’ Lives.” Journal of Youth Studies 9, no. 5 (2006): 557 – 574.

Weyland, Jocko. The Answer Is Never: A Skateboarder’s History of the World. 1st ed. New York: Grove Press, 2002.

Whyte, William Hollingsworth. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. Washington, D.C: Conservation Foundation, 1980.

Wilson, Jamie. “Skaters face ban from city centres.” The Guardian. London, December 6, 1991.

Wingate, Brian. The Complete Book of Skateboards and Skateboarding Gear. 1st ed. The world of skateboarding. New York: Rosen, 2003.

Woolley, Helen, and Ralph Johns. “Skateboarding: The City as a Playground.” Journal of Urban Design 6, no. 2 (June 2001): 211-230.

Yochim, Emily A. Chivers. “”This is how I think”: Skate life, corresponding cultures and alternative white masculinities.” Dissertation, University of Michigan, 2007.

Yochim, Emily Chivers. Skate Life: Re-Imagining White Masculinity. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2010.

Yuki Kato. “Skating the ‘Burb: The Regulations and the Negotiations of Suburban Teenage Skateboarders.” Unpublished paper, n.d .

“Skate City, Here We Come.” The Washington Post, September 20, 1996, sec. N.

“Silver Spring Skateboarding: Skateboarding Timeline: How Silver Spring’s Kids Were Let Down [UPDATED],” n.d. http://silverspringskateboarding.blogspot.com/2009/12/skateboarding-timeline-how-our-kids.html.

“Chapter 1: Vision – Skaters for Public Skateparks,” n.d. http://www.skatepark.org/chapter-1-vision.html.

“Skatepark Planning – Frequently Asked Questions FAQ,” n.d. http://suburbanrails.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/PWDA.woa/wa/loadPage?pageId=842.

“Silver Spring Skateboarding: Skateboarding Timeline: How Silver Spring’s Kids Were Let Down [UPDATED],” n.d. http://silverspringskateboarding.blogspot.com/2009/12/skateboarding-timeline-how-our-kids.html.

“The National Museum of the American Indian: Ramp It Up,” n.d. http://blog.nmai.si.edu/main/ramp-it-up/.

Cannonball. California is a Place, n.d. http://californiaisaplace.com/cali/cannonball/#cannonball.

“CODY ROCAMONTES INC.,” n.d. http://www.codyrocamontesmemorialskatepark.com/.

One thought on “Urban Skateboarding: A Working Bibliography [Updated]

  1. Dear David,

    Another entry for your reading list. The piece does not focus on your case study area I realise, but is well worth reading nonetheless:

    James Guida, ‘On Wheels: The Art of Skateboarding’, Meanjin, vo. 68, no. 4 (2009)


    Simon Sleight

    Dr Simon Sleight
    Adjunct Research Associate
    School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies
    Monash University, Melbourne


    Research Associate
    Menzies Centre for Australian Studies
    Department of History
    King’s College London


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